PTSD Research Support Calling for Volunteers

Hi All
The VMAA has been approached by Mr Jose Miguel B. Prats who is a student at Australian Catholic University (ACU) who is researching the area of PTSD and the use of model kit building to their Quality of Life

Volunteers are being called to take part in this worthwhile study. The VMAA fully supports the research as our sports promotes wellbeing and camaraderie through modelling.  

Please click on the link to review the introductory VMAA letter.

VMAA – Letter Of Introduction

There is a link within the letter to download the “Recruitment  Letter” providing details on the process and how data is collected.

If you have experienced or have PTSD, your input will be valuable to achieve the outcome.

Research findings will be made available and all data collected will be destroyed at the completion of the research period.

The collection of data will conclude on 31 August 2020.

If you wish to contact the VMAA Secretary please click on the following link:

Stay Safe, Fly Safe
VMAA Secretary

 If you have a story, article or a flyer your Club needs to advertised, please send it in and we will try and include it.

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